Audit & Tax Payer Advocacy Services

Provident Audit Systems LLC

We audit government and institutional transactions and records pertaining repossessions, liens, and other assets to ascertain the status of funds that were legally owed and any surplus funds that result from efforts to settle any outstanding balances. Surplus amounts are not guaranteed until final settlement and depend on certain factors such as supply/demand, location, valuation, bidding activity, and quality of the assets in question. "Luck" could literally be a factor, as there could be little surplus, lots of surplus, or no surplus at all.

1- If you were contacted by a Provident Audit Systems Tax Payer Advocate or Claims Agent, it means that during the due course of auditing government or institutional activities and records pertaining repossessed, distressed, foreclosed, and other assets your name was revealed as potentially being due a significant amount of funds. These funds are created either through a process involving our clients directly or through indirect means such as inheritance.

2- A significant amount of legal and procedural time is invested in performing claims discovery, processing, and disbursement. There is a cost associated with research, discovery, auditing, attribution, legal procedures, clerical processes, and finding persons that funds may be due. Also, we don't charge customers up front, we assume all risks and costs whenever these are incurred, and simply split any recovered funds 60%/40% with you as our client and partner receiving 60% regardless of the varying cost, complexity, time, and effort expended in recovering said funds. You don't pay anything ever, we pay you 60% of recovered funds once the successful process is complete. This is a better deal than the standard 50/50 deal that other parties and attorneys charge, and it covers doing the work prior to contacting you, informing you (which is critical and no one else may be doing), and concluding all required steps for you at NO RISK and no out of pocket cost to you. Collectively, many people across the country lose millions of dollars without ever even knowing about it. Luckily for you, we're here! A solid 60% with a desperately needed heads-up from us and without the headaches is better than 0% with the government/institution quietly pocketing all the money. We also obviously do not keep the entire 40% since there are costs and there may be other parties and issues involved. And as every case is different, there may also be risk and legal push back or complications. But this is of no concern to you as you are insured against everything and if the claim succeeds you lock in your 60% share regardless.

3- Don't make the mistake to wait. If we called you, for some reason the government or institution in question will not be contacting you, or failed in doing so, and there is a time limit when any and all claims to funds expire and YOUR funds will be free and clear for the government or institution to take for itself. There is a real conflict of interest were (a) You will not be contacted because the government or institution is either not legally required to, or it has minimal or limited legal requirements to contact you, while any assets in question are in the sole name and possession of the government or institution. They are entitled to own (outright) and liquidate such assets any way they see fit to resolve any legally sourced debts. And if there is a surplus, (b) It is better for them to run out the clock and take YOUR funds for themselves without having to use money (tax payer money if dealing with government) to pay personnel to make extra or excessive efforts to find people like you and pay them. They may not be able to reasonably find and settle with hundreds or thousands of people in a timely fashion, because trying to do this would be very costly. It would be a double loss for them to try too hard to help you because of the cost of extra efforts, but also due to the loss of surplus funds they prefer to keep. Also, it may have taken them months or years to resolve debts owed to them, making them feel no remorse for keeping all the proceeds, including undue or large profits they really shouldn't be keeping. As you may suspect, some such entities often won't do anything they don't legally have to, and already expect claims agents or attorneys of prior stake owners to do all the work and hope it is not done on time so funds are not claimed. This is neither unethical nor illegal, but certainly unfair to those with the right to make a claim and attempt to recover some funds, and in a lot of cases not even knowing about the funds (let alone claim them). This is escheating (you may look up this term, it's real) and it's something we try to avoid through the services we provide you. Every jurisdiction is different when it comes to escheating, it's qualifying laws, and associated activities. However, we'll navigate all of this for you, and as far as you're concerned there will be no out of pocket expenses, no effort, and no risk. You just complete a very small amount of paperwork and wait for your check to arrive.

4- Another reason to act immediately and not wait is that these claims are not guaranteed to go smoothly. Any of a number of problems could come up. For example, a clerical error or legal misinterpretation or mistake means you may have less time than you think, or that any delays or difficulties could see the allotted time run out. Once the time runs out there is no way to recover the funds, and lawsuits can be costly and are very likely a losing proposition because the government or institution in question has legal authority to (a) Possess assets 100%, and liquidate such assets by any means necessary to satisfy legal debts, and (b) Keep ALL funds (including what could and should be YOURS) from the liquidation of assets once the legal grace period expires. With this in mind, does all this really sound like you are entitled to anything at all? Lip service can be paid by these entities telling you that you are entitled to funds, but their actions, lack of actions, and legal advantages say otherwise. Contact us now, do not wait!


Disclaimer: As we operate in various states in the U.S.A., laws differ by jurisdiction as applied to escheatment, surpluses, foreclosed properties, and all other factors mentioned in the statements above. As such, all statements above are intended as a general guide on possible outcomes only, and are not indicative of any specific status of law or specific outcome within a jurisdiction. For specifics, please consult the specific laws that apply to the jurisdiction of interest.

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